Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Tourists overrun Bandung

Saturday and Sunday in Bandung has always been a tourist destination, especially tourists who want to go to shopping and picnik. As long vacation this week, Bandung increasingly enlivened by tourists, especially foreign tourists.

They come to factory outlet (FO), distro and culinary venues are still to be a favorite destination. In addition, tourists thronged the mall in the city of Bandung.

Road Ir. H. Djuanda or known as Jalan Dago, Riau until Setiabudi packed with vehicles. On the road congestion and even long. One of the favorite mall, Paris Van Java on road Setiabudi, even the estimated 50,000 people visited on Sunday (15 / 5).

Tourists from Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Korea and even enliven the long weekend this time after a number of airlines to open direct flight to Bandung.

Tourists also seem to meet the hotels in Bandung. Even tourists hard into an empty hotel room.

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